Below are the advantages and disadvantages of Expanding foams.
- Provides thermal and acoustic Insulation
- Creates an air seal
- Easy to use and shape
- Quick and simple
- Prevents moisture passing through, provided the outer skin is not damaged.
- Fills Holes/Gaps
- Can be painted
- Gorilla MS foam – Green Build option, isocyanate free foam
- Highly affected by UV
- Difficult to remove once cured – only by mechanical means or Gorilla Expanding Foam Remover
- Need to fill voids by building layers
- Some Post Expansion (Soudal Expanding Foams are considered low post expansion foams)
- Propellants are high VOC, expect Gorilla MS Foam
- Low VOC only once cured – Not a product for Greenbuild Certification, except Gorilla MS Foam
TDS & SDS Info
Gorilla PRO Expanding Foam Click n Fix
Gorilla PRO Expanding Foam Aerosol
R value info (calculator this?)
Electrical statement of suitability
Thermal images